Wow! I'm not very good at updating this thing, am I? I guess that shows how busy my little man has me these days! I will TRY my best to remember all of the milestones in the last few months. :)
- Logan got his FIRST tooth the day before Mother's Day! I knew it was coming due to all his fussiness, drooling, hands in mouth, etc...but it was so exciting to finally see his little white tooth poking out! Such a big man! :)

- On Mother's Day, we had a super yummy brunch at Austin's. It was SO good! I can't remember what we did after that though. hahah. I guess I only remember the FOOD!

- The following week, Logan got tooth number TWO! Now he's sporting his two bottom teeth like a big boy. :)
- Right around his 7 month birthday (May 20th), Logan decided to start sleeping on his tummy like his mommy! I almost had a heart attack when I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the monitor and saw him on his tummy. I knew he was big enough to roll around, but it scared me a bit to see him on his tummy! He also started the habit of practicing his pre-crawling moves (rocking back and forth) at 4am for an entire hour!

- On Memorial Day weekend, we went out on our friend's boat with Logan! He did great, even though he had short naps, and it was VERY hot that day! We had such a great time!!!

~*~*~*Other Cute Pics*~*~*~
Testing out his travel crib! |
First time in his baby pool. :) |
Mother's Day art project for his Nana. :) |
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