Sunday, July 22, 2012

June! 8 Months/Santa Fe Trip/Father's Day and CRAWLING!

 Now, I'm going to attempt to remember all of the fun things that happened in June! Thank goodness for pictures.  Those will help my memory. :)

  • Santa Fe, NM Road Trip:  We decided to take a trip down to Santa Fe after getting a great Groupon hotel deal! We thought that we should drive so that we didn't have to rent a car, and we could make stops along the way.  We stopped in Pueblo, CO for a night on the way there.  Not much to see there, but at least we got to sleep and rest for a night. :)  Logan did really well, considering he had to nap in his car seat (not his favorite!).  Unfortunately, Logan was NOT a big fan of his travel crib on this trip.  He's so used to moving, rolling, and flipping around, that he got mad and would wake up when he couldn't do that very much in the travel crib because it's very narrow.  Other than that, we enjoyed some AMAZING food, and got to do some sightseeing. :)  


  • Father's Day: We had an amazing Father's day lunch at our FAVORITE restaurant, Chimney Park.  It was super delicious! Logan had a great time. :)

Our sweet boy turned 8 months on June 20th! We can't believe how fast time has flown by! He amazes us everyday with his wonderful, happy personality, his ability to adapt to new situations, and his love for books, music, and veggies! Logan has been working on crawling for months now, doing various yoga type poses, rocking back and forth on his hands and knees, and scootching backwards! He finally achieved this milestone on June 29th! :) Let the baby proofing begin!!!!

Loves making music!
first time in his new wagon!

Such a strong little guy!

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