Tuesday, August 16, 2011

29 Weeks- Perientologist Appointment/ Ultrasound

29 Weeks: (8/7/11) "Your baby is growing rapidly now. This week he weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. His muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and his head is getting bigger to accommodate his growing brain – which is busy developing billions of neurons."
HAPPY UPDATE!!!!- Kevin and I met with Dr. Heyborne, the perientologist, or "high-risk pregnancy specialist" on Tuesday afternoon to get an update with my amniotic fluid with a more detailed ultrasound.  I was pretty nervous about this appointment since I had 23 cm of fluid on my last 2 ultrasounds, which could cause pre-term labor if the fluid continued to increase.  We were VERY happy to hear that my fluid level went down to 14cm, which is completely normal! The doctor also looked at my very detailed gestational diabetes workbook that I made, where I kept track of everything I ate, and my blood sugar level after every meal.  He said my numbers looked normal, and that he was going to suggest to my OB/GYN that I no longer need to check my blood sugar anymore!!!! He advised me to stick to my diet as best as I could, just to keep my weight down and keep Logan from getting too big.  His exact words were "you're baby looks fabulous!".  That made our day! :)  

*****Pictures of the nursery to come!!! :) AND a 7 month belly pic!