Sunday, July 22, 2012

June! 8 Months/Santa Fe Trip/Father's Day and CRAWLING!

 Now, I'm going to attempt to remember all of the fun things that happened in June! Thank goodness for pictures.  Those will help my memory. :)

  • Santa Fe, NM Road Trip:  We decided to take a trip down to Santa Fe after getting a great Groupon hotel deal! We thought that we should drive so that we didn't have to rent a car, and we could make stops along the way.  We stopped in Pueblo, CO for a night on the way there.  Not much to see there, but at least we got to sleep and rest for a night. :)  Logan did really well, considering he had to nap in his car seat (not his favorite!).  Unfortunately, Logan was NOT a big fan of his travel crib on this trip.  He's so used to moving, rolling, and flipping around, that he got mad and would wake up when he couldn't do that very much in the travel crib because it's very narrow.  Other than that, we enjoyed some AMAZING food, and got to do some sightseeing. :)  


  • Father's Day: We had an amazing Father's day lunch at our FAVORITE restaurant, Chimney Park.  It was super delicious! Logan had a great time. :)

Our sweet boy turned 8 months on June 20th! We can't believe how fast time has flown by! He amazes us everyday with his wonderful, happy personality, his ability to adapt to new situations, and his love for books, music, and veggies! Logan has been working on crawling for months now, doing various yoga type poses, rocking back and forth on his hands and knees, and scootching backwards! He finally achieved this milestone on June 29th! :) Let the baby proofing begin!!!!

Loves making music!
first time in his new wagon!

Such a strong little guy!

Friday, July 20, 2012

May! 7 Months- First Tooth/ Mother's Day

Wow! I'm not very good at updating this thing, am I? I guess that shows how busy my little man has me these days! I will TRY my best to remember all of the milestones in the last few months. :)


  • Logan got his FIRST tooth the day before Mother's Day! I knew it was coming due to all his fussiness, drooling, hands in mouth, etc...but it was so exciting to finally see his little white tooth poking out! Such a big man! :)
  • On Mother's Day, we had a super yummy brunch at Austin's.  It was SO good! I can't remember what we did after that though. hahah.  I guess I only remember the FOOD! 
  • The following week, Logan got tooth number TWO! Now he's sporting his two bottom teeth like a big boy. :) 
  • Right around his 7 month birthday (May 20th), Logan decided to start sleeping on his tummy like his mommy! I almost had a heart attack when I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the monitor and saw him on his tummy.  I knew he was big enough to roll around, but it scared me a bit to see him on his tummy! He also started the habit of practicing his pre-crawling moves (rocking back and forth) at 4am for an entire hour! 
  • On Memorial Day weekend, we went out on our friend's boat with Logan! He did great, even though he had short naps, and it was VERY hot that day! We had such a great time!!!

~*~*~*Other Cute Pics*~*~*~

Testing out his travel crib!

First time in his baby pool. :)
Mother's Day art project for his Nana. :)

April - 6 Months!

My little monkey did so good at his 6 month check today! He's 19 lbs 14 oz, (80%), almost 28 inches (88%) long, and his head is 18 1/4 inches (95%!!!!). He was so tough after his shots and passed out on the drive home, which never happens!  I'm such a proud mommy!

New Achievements:

- No more swaddle!!! We started by taking one arm out, then did both! Took awhile for him to get used to it, and not scratch his face up every night.

- Sleeping in crib 4/14 (naps).  This was a LONG process.  He took terrible naps for a very long time because he just wasn't a fan of his big crib.  We rolled up towels and put them under the sheet of his crib so that he would feel more cozy, then slowly moved them further apart, then completely away.  By the end of April/ early May, he was sleeping in his crib for all of his naps AND at night.  Kevin and I literally camped out in his room (slept on the floor) the first few nights Logan was in his crib.  It made us feel closer to him and it was easier to comfort him when he was close by. :)

- Mommy and Auntie Getaway! (4/18-4/20).  Sabrina and I went on our annual Mommy Getaway this month! We went to Vegas and had an amazing time relaxing and being baby-free. Although both of us REALLY missed our little guys! :(  It was my first time away from Logan and I cried ALL the way to the airport.  Kevin took time off from work to take care of him, which was great. I also felt much better knowing that Logan's Nana and Great Auntie Kae would also be there to help out for one of the nights.

- Nana and Auntie Kae visit (4/19-4/24)! We loved having Nancy and Kae visit! Logan was so good with the both of them, and they spoiled him rotten!  He loves them so much. :)

In Estes Park for the day! Lunch time! :)
He loves his mommy. :)

-Our 2 year anniversary! (4/23) Kevin and I celebrated our two year anniversary at our favorite restaurant, Chimney Park. Nancy, Kae, my dad, and Logan came as well. :)  We had an AMAZING dinner!

-Eating solids twice a day! Favorites are bananas, sweet potato, and pretty much everything else I've given him. ;)
LA Kings bib given to me by my friend Eugene. :) Kevin wasn't too happy about it. haha


Monday, April 9, 2012

March- 5 Months!

We all celebrated birthdays in March! :)  Logan turned 5 months, Bailey turned 5 years old, I turned 28, and Kevin turned the BIG 3-0!! 

This month has been great because we started getting record high temperatures (for March) and have been able to spend lots of time outdoors. With temperatures in the 70's and 80's, Logan has been able to wear some of his shorts and t-shirts. So cute!  We even bought him a bathing suit. :)  He loves the water, so it will be great to see him in a pool one of these days!

Kevin, Logan, and I took a weekend getaway to Boulder while we had tile put into our master bathroom.  It was a great little vacation, and we had a wonderful time.  Logan loved eating at The Cheesecake Factory, and walking around Pearl Street.  The weather was amazing!!!

Logan is now eating banana, and sweet potato, along with his rice cereal.  We tried apple, but he wasn't really a fan.  Going to give it a shot again soon, along with avocado, peas, and zucchini!  He's also napping much better these days and slept through the night TWICE! WOOO! :)

On our way to the park!

LOVE that little face!

Mini vacay in Boulder
Lunch at The Cheesecake Factory!

Out to lunch on my birthday!