Thursday, February 24, 2011

OB Intake Appointment- 5 Weeks!!!

Well....Kevin and I had our first visit with the OB nurse today!  We went through all of the "Family History" questions, health questions, and overall concerns/feelings.  Unfortunately, these questions brought up my mom's passing, which was REALLY hard for me to talk about.  It's so scary and emotional knowing that I'm going to be having my 1st child without her.  I never imagined that such a happy time in my life would also be filled with such sadness.  I'm trying my best to stay positive and not get too emotional.  I'm so lucky to have such great people in my life who are going to support me through all of this!

The visit went great overall and the nurse gave us some fun reading material to get us ready for our little one!

We scheduled our first prenatal appointment for next Monday, the 28th!  We'll get to meet Dr. Guiroy who will be my OB/GYN and bombard her with a BILLION fun questions! ;)

I'm feeling SOOO tired lately.  It's crazy how exhausted I am.  All I want to do is sleep and eat!  So far, I haven't experienced any morning sickness.  The occasional nauseous feeling will sometimes come by, but it doesn't last long.  I've also been making myself do at least 35 minutes on our elliptical every night so that I stay somewhat healthy.

When I'm not sleeping, or eating, I'm reading every baby book and website known to man!  Here are a few of my favorites so far!

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