Friday, February 3, 2012

January...3 months!

Logan turned 3 months on January 20th!  He has done quite a bit in the month of January!  Here is a breakdown of fun accomplishments/events:

  • Logan gave up his pacifier all on his own!  He has now moved on to sucking on his bunny/blankie (when he's not swaddled)
  • He weighs about 16 pounds now and is about 26 inches long!
  • He's working on rolling over! He's rolled to his side a couple of times. 
  • Logan's "talking" so much more now! He loves to babble, gurgle, and LAUGH all the time! :)
  • He can hold his head up by himself, turn it to the sides, and look up and down!
  • He LOVES bath time! He calms down right away, and waits for me to sing songs. :)
  • We've had a pretty rough January when it comes to his sleep.  Not sure if he went through a growth spurt, but he was waking up every couple of hours for a few weeks. No fun! He's back to sleeping 6-7 hour stretches now. Thank GOD!
  • Logan loves putting his hands in his mouth, and sucks on his fingers when he's tired. When he's swaddled, he sucks on his bottom lip while he goes to sleep. <3
  • Still sleeping in his Rock and Play sleeper in our room.  Going to attempt the transition to his crib after our trip to Austin in February.  
  • Tries to hold his own bottle! So cute!
  • Grew out of his 0-3 month clothes, and is barely fitting his 3-6 month outfits. 6 month clothes fit him perfectly! He's also in size 2 diapers! Such a big man!!!!
  • Logan LOVES getting kisses from Mommy and Daddy! He laughs his butt off when we kiss his neck! 

Modeling his new Gymboree outfit!

Sibling love!

Cheering for the Steelers at home while Daddy was at the game! :)

Check out those muscles! :)
Happy little baby bear!

Holding his bottle!

Napping with his bunny...before he gave up his pacifier.


This video was at church, the day after Abuelita's birthday.  Logan had a blast! 

"Talking" with Mommy :)

Trying to roll over!


  1. WOW! I can't believe how long he is!!!!! Go little Logan!

    1. So I measured him with an actual measuring tape today, and he's more like 26 inches long, not 28. But at least I was close! Pretty good for guessing. :)
