Monday, January 2, 2012


Logan's First Doctor's Appointment: 11/1/11

Comfy in his sling before his 1st doctor's appointment

Dr. Ballard checking out Logan!

Family picture!!!
Still getting used to keeping his legs down after having them straight up for 9 months!

Visit from Nana, Grandpa, Auntie Sabrina, and Cousin Cody! 11/5/11- 11/8/11

Logan and his Nana

Logan and his cousin Cody!

Logan turns One Month Old!!! (11/20/11)

Umbilical cord FINALLY falls off! First bath on his one month bday! :)
Thanksgiving and Visit from Auntie Sandra, Uncle Bryan, and Cousins Jackson & Jacob: 11/23/11 ~11/25/11

Random Cute Pictures!

Last but not least...a cute video of Bailey! We haven't forgotten about her! :) 

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