Monday, April 9, 2012

March- 5 Months!

We all celebrated birthdays in March! :)  Logan turned 5 months, Bailey turned 5 years old, I turned 28, and Kevin turned the BIG 3-0!! 

This month has been great because we started getting record high temperatures (for March) and have been able to spend lots of time outdoors. With temperatures in the 70's and 80's, Logan has been able to wear some of his shorts and t-shirts. So cute!  We even bought him a bathing suit. :)  He loves the water, so it will be great to see him in a pool one of these days!

Kevin, Logan, and I took a weekend getaway to Boulder while we had tile put into our master bathroom.  It was a great little vacation, and we had a wonderful time.  Logan loved eating at The Cheesecake Factory, and walking around Pearl Street.  The weather was amazing!!!

Logan is now eating banana, and sweet potato, along with his rice cereal.  We tried apple, but he wasn't really a fan.  Going to give it a shot again soon, along with avocado, peas, and zucchini!  He's also napping much better these days and slept through the night TWICE! WOOO! :)

On our way to the park!

LOVE that little face!

Mini vacay in Boulder
Lunch at The Cheesecake Factory!

Out to lunch on my birthday!