UPDATE: Our trip to San Jose was short, but sweet. :) It started off a little rocky with our flight being delayed, but we arrived safely at 11pm and headed straight for In-N-Out! MMM!!! I'd been craving it for so long and since we don't have them in CO, I couldn't wait!
On Saturday morning (5/21), we headed to Sabrina and Matt's house to see our little Cody before his baptism! We had ordered him a personalized fire truck ride-on toy for his baptism present and couldn't wait for him to see it! He has awhile until he can ride it by himself, but he looked SO cute sitting on it with a little help from his mommy. :)
Kevin and I were worried that he wouldn't remember us and not want us to hold him, but luckily he did just fine. He loved being up high when his Uncle Kevin held him, and he was pretty much in love with me the whole trip! It made me melt!!! He was such a happy little guy and did such an awesome job the entire weekend. <3
Cody's baptism was held at St. Christopher's, where both Kevin and Sabrina went to school! It was a beautiful church and we were all very excited to be there. Especially Kevin and I since we were his Godparents! The only downside is that the baptism landed right in the middle of Cody's naptime, so he was asleep pretty much the whole time! It was really sweet, until it was his turn to get baptised and the priest POURED 3 cups of water on his little head. He was NOT happy! :( It was a pretty startling way to be woken up. Poor little guy! But he calmed down fast and did great!

BABY SHOWER: Our baby shower was on Sunday, 5/22 at Sabrina and Matt's house. :) It was a beautiful day! Matt and Jorge were the cooks and we had some delicious bbq'd burgers and hot dogs on Matt's new grill! Everyone wanted to bring food, so we had a table full of fruit, deviled eggs, chips, 7 layer dip, home made baked beans, potato salad and spinach artichoke dip! mmm! Sabrina also bought us a beautiful chocolate buttermilk cake with raspberry filling and chocolate buttercream frosting! It was AMAZING! We loved chatting with everyone and catching up! Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to open up presents at the party since we had to leave for the airport at 3:45pm, but we had so much fun opening up everything while we packed our luggage!