THANKFULLY everything turned out great on the ultrasound and the baby's heartbeat was 160 and was 3.24 cm long from "rump to head". :) He/She was moving all around and giving us different poses! It must have been the juice and ice cream I had right beforehand. :) The biggest relief of all is that the doctor said the risk of miscarrage drops to less than 2% when you hear the heartbeat! YAY! We are probably going to wait another couple of weeks to tell the facebook world, but all relatives and close friends are now allowed to know! (As long as there are no FB posts about it!)
Monthly updates of our little Logan and the adventures of being new parents!
Monday, March 28, 2011
10 Weeks and FIRST Ultrasound!
10 Weeks: "Although he's barely the size of a kumquat (or a prune) -- a little over an inch or so long, crown to bottom -- and weighs less than a quarter of an ounce, your baby now has completed the most critical portion of his development. This is the beginning of the so-called fetal period, a time when the tissues and organs in his body rapidly grow and mature. If you could take a peek inside your womb, you'd spot minute details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin."
We had our 10 week appointment today, and we were VERY freaked out when the doc couldn't find our baby's heartbeat with the doppler. She said that was normal because they usually check the heartbeat at around 12 weeks, but sometimes you can hear it at 10 weeks. I'm pretty sure she saw the worry (and tears) in my eyes, so she ordered an ultrasound for today. We were pretty scared. :(
THANKFULLY everything turned out great on the ultrasound and the baby's heartbeat was 160 and was 3.24 cm long from "rump to head". :) He/She was moving all around and giving us different poses! It must have been the juice and ice cream I had right beforehand. :) The biggest relief of all is that the doctor said the risk of miscarrage drops to less than 2% when you hear the heartbeat! YAY! We are probably going to wait another couple of weeks to tell the facebook world, but all relatives and close friends are now allowed to know! (As long as there are no FB posts about it!)
THANKFULLY everything turned out great on the ultrasound and the baby's heartbeat was 160 and was 3.24 cm long from "rump to head". :) He/She was moving all around and giving us different poses! It must have been the juice and ice cream I had right beforehand. :) The biggest relief of all is that the doctor said the risk of miscarrage drops to less than 2% when you hear the heartbeat! YAY! We are probably going to wait another couple of weeks to tell the facebook world, but all relatives and close friends are now allowed to know! (As long as there are no FB posts about it!)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Birthdays, Spring Break, & Weeks 7, 8, & 9!
It's been awhile since I've posted anything, so I figured I would catch everyone up on the last few weeks! Enjoy!!! :)
3/7/11- Week 7: "Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long, about the size of a blueberry." -Baby Center

Update: This week was mine and Kevin's birthdays! I couldn't celebrate the way I normally would, but still managed to have a wonderful time with him and a fun virgin drink! :) Kevin made us reservations at Chiminey Park (our FAVORITE restaurant) and the waiter brought us complimentary champagne because he knew we were celebrating our birthdays. I was pretty sad that I couldn't drink it! I ended up telling the waiter that I was expecting, and he had the bartender make me a super tasty orange and ginger spritzer. It was super yummy and tasted better than champagne! ;)
Feeling: At 7 weeks I was just waiting for the morning sickness to kick in since my doc said it usually does around 6 weeks. Nothing happened! Thank GOD!!!! I was still feeling really tired, and definitely feeling more bloated any "fluffy", but that's it. I think my mind was looking ahead to the next week and our nice, long, vacation to Savannah, GA and South Carolina! I was just really nervous about the long plane ride and all the LONG driving trips we were going to do. What if my morning sickness kicked in when we were on vacation? No Bueno!
3/14/11- Week 8: "Your baby is now 5/8 of an inch long, about the size of a kidney bean. New this week: Webbed fingers and toes are poking out from your baby's hands and feet, his eyelids practically cover his eyes, and breathing tubes extend from his throat to the branches of his developing lungs."
Update: Week 8 was my FAVORITE week because we were on vacation! :) Kevin and I landed in Atlanta on Friday, March 11th and couldn't wait to hop into our super cool Nissan Altima and drive to Savannah! The only part that made me a little sad was that none of my cute shorts/skirts that used to fit me big, no longer fit anymore! It's crazy how much my body has changed in only 2 months! My middle section has widened and my belly is definitely getting bigger! I ended up packing lots of summer dresses and stretchy pants & shirts. :)
We fell in love with Savannah's beauty! Right next to a beautiful river, with cobblestone streets, and the nicest people I've ever met! We took a trolley tour around the city and had an amazing time learning about the history of this beautiful place. We also did some shopping in the open air marketplace and got some really cute presents for my best friend Cherrie who is expecting a little girl named Savannah in July! :)
The rest of our trip was spent in Myrtle Beach! It is the #1 golf location in the country, but Kevin decided not to play so that he could spend more time with me. That's love! :) We had a really relaxing time in Myrtle Beach and spent most of the week walking on the beach, collecting shells, eating, napping, and I also got a massage! We decided to drive to North Carolina for the day in the middle of the week and explored the USS North Carolina Battleship. I didn't think I would enjoy myself as much as I did! Everything was very hands on and I had fun turning knobs and opening up anything that I found. haha!
3/21/11- Week 9: "Your new resident is nearly an inch long -- about the size of a grape -- and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form -- as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear."
Update: I'm still feeling GREAT! It's getting harder to find clothes that fit, but Kevin's sister sent me 3 boxes of maternity clothes that I'm picking up at the post office tomorrow, so I will finally have some clothes that fit! :)
We have our next OB/GYN appointment next Monday and I'm hoping that the doc will let us hear the heartbeat! I can't wait!
The biggest update for this week is that my Dad is back with us in Colorado! We've really missed him while he was in Colombia for 3 months. It is so great having him back! The best part is that we FINALLY got to tell him that we are expecting. We wanted to wait to tell him in person, and I'm so happy that I did because his reaction was perfect! We had a coffee mug made with a picture of us 3 and another picture that said "World's Best Abuelito" and the text at under the pictures said "Congratulations! You're going to be an ABUELITO again! Oct. 2011!"
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